Otter-Browser very slow display files, seems file writing,reading has problem. Zink driver missing

 Otter-Browser  very slow display files, seems file writing,reading has problem. Zink driver missing

 set up 3  repositories ,  GhostBSD.conf , PersonalBSD.conf , FreeBSD.conf file installed to /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/  directory
pkg install otter-browser

$ otter-browser
MESA: error: ZINK: failed to choose pdev
glx: failed to create drisw screen
failed to load driver: zink
ICD default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 3014, errno = 35

This is the system that could download 497 binary packages in less than 2 minutes on 1 Gb Ethernet wired connection,  Yet takes 19 hours to install those 497 packages.  No errors reported though.  So where is the system spending its time?

System disk test commands to use:

diskinfo -c /dev/da0

truss -o test-disk.txt  cp -p junk.txt  junk1.txt            
truss -o test-disk2.txt cp -p junk.txt junk2.txt

I have had the first instance take a couple seconds to complete and then the next few repeat are instantaneous and take 0 seconds to complete.   So what is happening in the file system that hangs up the progress??  Wiki DTrace information  Dwatch DTrace  55 minute video

kldload  dtraceall 

dtrace -n vfs:vop:vop_create:entry 

This is only a small taste of what dtrace can do, but you can see how quickly and easily you can determine what is happening on a system while it is running, in a non-disruptive way.

Some other examples you might find useful:

1.) Count system calls by program name:

dtrace -n 'syscall:::entry { @[execname] = count(); }'

2.) Find the parent of a process calling a syscall:

dtrace -n 'syscall::read:entry { printf("execname=%s parent_execname=%s", execname, curthread->td_proc->p_pptr->p_comm); }'

3.) Trace file opens by process and filename:

dtrace -n 'syscall::open*:entry { printf("%s %s", execname, copyinstr(arg0)); }'

4.) Trace file opens with process and filename:

dwatch -X open

5.) Find the parent of a process calling a syscall:

dwatch -R syscall::read:entry

6.) Watch signals being passed to kill syscall:

dwatch -X kill

7.) Watch signals being passed between bash(1) and vi(1):

dwatch -k bash -k vi -X kill

8.) Display the first process to call kill syscall and then exit:

dwatch -N 1 kill

9.) Count IP-level events:

dtrace -n 'ip::: { @[probename] = count(); }'

10.) Trace new processes showing parent program and command executed:

dwatch execve

11.) Trace new processes showing mini process-tree for command executed:

dwatch -R execve

12.) Trace new processes belonging to root

dwatch -u root execve

13.) Trace new processes belonging to wheel super-group:

dwatch -g wheel execve
FreeBSD testing disk performance with Bonnie++
Simple Bonnie++ example Benchmarking advice for  make  buildkernel
  USB Headset audio setup Test


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