
Showing posts from February, 2022

Booting 500 GB SSD on FreeBSD-ARM64-14.0 January 27, 2022 snapshot

Booting 500 GB SSD on FreeBSD-ARM64-14.0 January 27, 2022  snapshot I used Manjaro Linux and the application gparted to manually create several Partitions on the SSD disk drive.  [ USB 3.0 external metal case Hornet Tek ASMT 2235]  Install FreeBSD 14.0 Snapshot RPI3 to USB 3.0 500GB SSD in an external HornetTek metal case Drive enclosure: dd if=./FreeBSD-ARM64-RPI3.img of=/dev/da1p4  bs=1m conv=notrunc  status=progress Look at the location difference between  a single USB Flash drive stick  /dev/da1   and the SDD /dev/da1p4  into a slice (linux primary partition ) versus if  I used /dev/da1 for the whole disk.  So does the U-Boot have logic to do both to boot from a SSD (1.) boot whole drive and then 2.0 boot a single Slice that has 2 partitions 1.) MSDOS FAT32 2.) BSD with a label. ) So I am missing  efibootmrg on  aarch64 Free...