Learning ZFS on Root Setup for Raspberry Pi 4B.
https://openzfs.github.io/openzfs-docs/man/master/8/index.html Learning ZFS on Root Setup for Raspberry Pi 4B. h ttps://www.reddit.com/r/freebsd/comments/v4b5oj/freebsd_on_zfs_on_raspberry_pi/?onetap_auto=true And now... the scripts! They also live at https://gist.github.com/jwatzman/8a53dcdd3084d595c6d5918f4a2a0527 . https://twitter.com/finster_fred/status/1680774277224869889?s=20 @linuxhintdotcom Author - Shahriar Shovon Thanks for the training you gave me with this ZFS material. I benefited from your creative web post, to use creating a ZFS install to Raspberry Pi 4B USB SSD https://ghostbsd-arm64.blogspot.com/2022/09/freebsd-140-compiling-kernel-for.html Fred's Blog post about installing FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT onto a USB SSD drive using command 'bsdinstall' https://linuxhint.com/mount-zfs-filesystems-in-different-directoris/ Great explanation and examples of creating a ZFS ZPOOL commands: zpool list zpool import zfs get mounted,canmo...