Manual Start Wifi with a USB Dongle on Raspberry Pi 4B
My Manual Wifi notes Note that the TP Link TL-WN823N rtl8192eu chip, has driver problems and does not connect with a Wifi Access Point using the wpa_supplicant program. The "ifconfig wlan0 up scan" does work to view nearby access points. # edit 3 Files to add configuration lines into /boot/loader.conf /etc/rc.conf /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf # for the file /boot/loader.conf # using Keyboard, change into the 'root' user, before editing. on a stock FreeBSD snapshot the sudo command is not installed su - root_password #use the ee or vi editor to edit the file /boot/loader.conf ee /boot/loader.conf if_rtwn_load="YES" if_rtwn_usb_load="YES" legal.realtek.license_ack=1 # /etc/rc.conf add 2 lines for TP Link TL-WN823N rtl8192eu chip wlans_rtwn0="wlan0" ifconfig_rtwn0="SYNC DHCP" Bare minimum fields necessary for an encrypted Wi-Fi connection using wpa_supplicant command. Edit file /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf network={ #: my NetGe...